
  • 2024-2025 NY6 Faculty Seed Grants Available

    October 7, 2024
    The New York Six again has funds available for faculty projects that bring together scholars from at least three New York Six member institutions. Past projects have included conferences and workshops, the creation of new faculty working groups, programs on research skills or new pedagogical approaches, and the development of innovative shared resource programs. Funding generally ranging from $250 to $2000 is available for the collaborative projects, and applications are accepted on a rolling basis. One-thousand word proposals should include the project title, names and affiliations of participants, project goals, methodology and timeline, and manner of measuring outcomes. Strong applications should demonstrate how the project questions or goals are better addressed through… read more »
  • NY6 International Students Connect at Annual Summit

    October 7, 2024
    More than 50 students from across the Consortium participated in the annual NY6 International Student Summit, Through our Lens: Personal Expression and Engaged Citizenship, held on September 27-28 at Colgate University. The program featured a keynote talk by Dr. Chol Majok, a former Lost Boy of Sudan and the first refugee elected to the Syracuse City Council. Dr. Majok reminded students that they belong and encouraged them to exude their power and energy as they make their place at the table. Other sessions included student-led roundtables to share personal narratives, and an intergroup dialogue (IGD) training on Civil Conversation Through Differences. Our thanks… read more »
  • Mellon Fellows Participate in Summer Institute

    October 7, 2024
    In late July, the New York Six Mellon Academic Leadership Fellows gathered with their counterparts from the Associated Colleges of the Midwest and the Associated Colleges of the South for the second Mellon Summer Institute. After joining the NY6 presidents for a session of their summer meeting, the fellows began an intensive three-day program focused on the current state of DEIB work in higher education, leading through crisis, and preparing for their next steps in academic leadership. The institute kicked off with Phillip Brian Harper and Carolyn Dinshaw of the Mellon Foundation, who shared their own paths to academic leadership as well as their… read more »
  • Colgate hosts NY6 SGA leaders

    May 23, 2024
      The New York Six Student Government Leadership Conference was hosted by the Colgate University Student Government Association (SGA) on April 12-13. The conference was attended by delegates from Skidmore College, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, and St. Lawrence University, with the goal of connecting student governments across Central New York and to consider the issues affecting the NY6 campuses and how to best address those challenges. "One of the primary purposes of the Consortium is to connect people who have common interests," said Amy Doonan Cronin, NY6 executive Director. "I am grateful to the Colgate SGA leaders for taking… read more »
  • Catch Up on NY6 Summer News!

    August 7, 2023
    In the NY6 July newsletter: a DEIB affirmation, the NY6 Mellon Fellows go to Atlanta, and get ready for NY6 fall programs! read more »
  • Peter Simons Named New York Six Project Manager

    January 10, 2023
    Peter Simons, a historian with broad experience in collaborative teaching and scholarship, will join the New York Six Liberal Arts Consortium as project manager, effective January 17. read more »
  • Six Named NY6 Mellon Fellows

    January 3, 2023
    Six faculty members in the humanities and related fields, representing each of the New York Six Liberal Arts Consortium institutions, have been named NY6 Mellon Academic Leadership Fellows, effective January 1, 2023. The six Fellows are Danny Barreto, Colgate University; Kira Jumet, Hamilton College; Katherine Walker, Hobart and William Smith Colleges; Jessica Sierk, St. Lawrence University; Oscar Péréz-Hernandez, Skidmore College; and Jennifer Mitchell, Union College. This two-year program, funded with a $1.5 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, will allow these faculty members to explore academic leadership through an immersive experience on their home campus, in which they… read more »
  • NY6 Academic Collaboration Seed Grants – Call for Proposals

    March 1, 2022
    The New York Six Liberal Arts Consortium is pleased to offer funding for academic-related projects and programs that engage faculty from three or more member campuses. Examples of funded activities include conferences/workshops/symposia, formation of new faculty working groups, programs on critical research skills and new pedagogical approaches, and development of innovative shared resources programs. Funding levels generally range from $250-$2,000 and proposals are accepted on a rolling basis to fund a maximum of six academic working groups per year. Faculty from at least three of the Consortium member schools must be represented in the proposal and we welcome proposals from all disciplines. Interested… read more »
  • New York Six Receives $1.5 Million Mellon Foundation Grant

    The New York Six Liberal Arts Consortium has been awarded a $1.5 million grant by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to create the NY6 Mellon Academic Leadership Fellows Program, a three-year program to provide an intensive leadership experience for faculty in the humanities who aspire to academic leadership roles. The New York Six Mellon Academic Leadership Fellows Program will combine leadership training, mentorship, and hands-on leadership experience for a diverse group of humanities faculty who represent the future of academic leadership in the New York Six and beyond. Each Fellow will receive course relief and a stipend to allow them… read more »