
  • Colgate hosts NY6 SGA leaders

    May 23, 2024
      The New York Six Student Government Leadership Conference was hosted by the Colgate University Student Government Association (SGA) on April 12-13. The conference was attended by delegates from Skidmore College, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, and St. Lawrence University, with the goal of connecting student governments across Central New York and to consider the issues affecting the NY6 campuses and how to best address those challenges. "One of the primary purposes of the Consortium is to connect people who have common interests," said Amy Doonan Cronin, NY6 executive Director. "I am grateful to the Colgate SGA leaders for taking… read more »
  • Coming Soon: New York Six AI Webinar Series

    February 22, 2024
    The New York Six will facilitate a webinar series focused on AI and its implications for higher education this spring, featuring Consortium faculty members who are utilizing AI in their work. read more »
  • Zoom Workshop Upcoming on Stress and Burnout in the Academy

    September 13, 2023
    On Wednesday, September 27 at 3:30 pm, clinical psychologist Dara Friedman-Wheeler will lead a Zoom workshop for faculty, staff, and administrators on stress and burnout in higher education. The workshop will help participants identify the contributors to stress and burnout and develop strategies to maintain health and well-being while furthering academic goals and creating more just and equitable workplaces. You may register for the workshop at this link. read more »
  • Mellon Fellows Begin Campus Visits

    September 13, 2023
    The New York Six Mellon Academic Fellows began the immersion year of their fellowships with a slate of scheduled visits to each of the Consortium’s six campuses. At the end of August they traveled to the North Country, visiting Canton and meeting with campus leaders at St. Lawrence. They then headed south to the Finger Lakes, where they met with leaders at Hobart and William Smith and explored Geneva. These visits are providing opportunities for cross-campus conversations on adapting to changes in higher education, sharing of best practices and innovative programs, and an inquiry into the varied paths to academic… read more »
  • Undergraduate Research Conference Registration Open

    September 13, 2023
    Registration is now open for the 11th New York Six Undergraduate Research Conference, to be held Saturday, November 4 at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva. The conference will showcase student scholarship from  across the New York Six in both poster sessions and paper presentations. You may register at and learn more about the conference at Sign up before registration closes on October 20. read more »
  • Catch Up on NY6 Summer News!

    August 7, 2023
    In the NY6 July newsletter: a DEIB affirmation, the NY6 Mellon Fellows go to Atlanta, and get ready for NY6 fall programs! read more »
  • NY6 Statement on SCOTUS Affirmative Action Decision

    June 29, 2023
    A STATEMENT FROM THE NEW YORK SIX PRESIDENTS CONCERNING THE SUPREME COURT AFFIRMATIVE ACTION DECISION (Syracuse, NY – June 29, 2023)  The presidents of the New York Six Liberal Arts Consortium member institutions have issued a statement regarding the United States Supreme Court decision in the affirmative action cases brought by Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. against Harvard College and the University of North Carolina. The statement reads: The U.S. Supreme Court ruling, banning the use of race, as such, as one among many factors in the evaluation of applicants for admission, contradicts a core value of higher education: creating a… read more »
  • Peter Simons Named New York Six Project Manager

    January 10, 2023
    Peter Simons, a historian with broad experience in collaborative teaching and scholarship, will join the New York Six Liberal Arts Consortium as project manager, effective January 17. read more »
  • Six Named NY6 Mellon Fellows

    January 3, 2023
    Six faculty members in the humanities and related fields, representing each of the New York Six Liberal Arts Consortium institutions, have been named NY6 Mellon Academic Leadership Fellows, effective January 1, 2023. The six Fellows are Danny Barreto, Colgate University; Kira Jumet, Hamilton College; Katherine Walker, Hobart and William Smith Colleges; Jessica Sierk, St. Lawrence University; Oscar Péréz-Hernandez, Skidmore College; and Jennifer Mitchell, Union College. This two-year program, funded with a $1.5 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, will allow these faculty members to explore academic leadership through an immersive experience on their home campus, in which they… read more »
  • NY6 Academic Collaboration Seed Grants – Call for Proposals

    March 1, 2022
    The New York Six Liberal Arts Consortium is pleased to offer funding for academic-related projects and programs that engage faculty from three or more member campuses. Examples of funded activities include conferences/workshops/symposia, formation of new faculty working groups, programs on critical research skills and new pedagogical approaches, and development of innovative shared resources programs. Funding levels generally range from $250-$2,000 and proposals are accepted on a rolling basis to fund a maximum of six academic working groups per year. Faculty from at least three of the Consortium member schools must be represented in the proposal and we welcome proposals from all disciplines. Interested… read more »
  • NY6 Celebrates International Students

    Each year on March 31, we celebrate NY6 International Students Day - in recognition of the many ways these students enrich life on our campuses and in our communities. International students receive a small token of appreciation from the Consortium, and their campuses celebrate the day as well. “A critical outcome of a liberal arts education is to give students the knowledge and skills to live and thrive in a global society,” said Amy Cronin, Executive Director of the New York Six. “ International students provide important perspectives and contribute to campus life in and out of the classroom, which… read more »
  • Save the Date for the 2024 URC!

    The 2024 NY6 Undergraduate Research Conference will be held on Sat., Nov. 2, at Hamilton College. read more »
  • NY6 Seed Grants Available for Faculty Collaborations

    The New York Six invites faculty members to apply for seed grants for scholarly collaborations that engage faculty from at least three of the Consortium’s member institutions. Past grants have funded faculty across a wide range of disciplines to support in-person and virtual workshops, research, performances, innovative pedagogy, and many other projects. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. To apply or request more information, please contact Peter Simons at read more »
  • CNY Humanities Corridor Opportunities for NY6 Faculty

    Our partners at the CNY Humanities Corridor have several opportunities that are open to faculty at the NY6 member institutions: Working Groups: Build your scholarly community and network through collaborative research, teaching, and programming on almost any theme, discipline, or issue in the humanities. Apply for up to $12,000 in CNY Humanities Corridor Working Group funding, plus access to additional funds for in-person travel across campuses. The Call for Proposals is now open! NEH Application-Writing Workshop: Friday, March 1 – starting at 9am in Syracuse, NY and via Zoom. NEH Senior Program Officer Claudia Kinkela will provide an overview of… read more »
  • NY6 Faculty Invited to Adirondack Research Conference

    The Adirondack Research Consortium welcomes NY6 faculty members at its 28th Annual Conference on the Adirondacks, "The Emerging Pressures Caused by Climate Change," to be held May 16-17 in Lake Placid. The featured speaker will be Dr. Curt Stager, Draper-Lussi Endowed Chair in Lake Ecology and Paleoecology at Paul Smith's College. His talk is titled, "Who's an Adirondacker, and Why Does It Matter in a Warming World?" Additional details about the conference are forthcoming, and are available by contacting the consortium at read more »
  • NY6 Program to Focus on Teaching & AI

    How are your New York Six colleagues using AI to support their teaching? What have they found to be successful and what cautions might they share? How are students using the technology? Get the answers to these and other questions from faculty members across the Consortium at a virtual roundtable discussion on Friday, April 12, from 12:00-1:00 pm. Click here to register. This is the first in a series of AI-focused programs; stay tuned for future events! read more »
  • New York Six Receives $1.5 Million Mellon Foundation Grant

    The New York Six Liberal Arts Consortium has been awarded a $1.5 million grant by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to create the NY6 Mellon Academic Leadership Fellows Program, a three-year program to provide an intensive leadership experience for faculty in the humanities who aspire to academic leadership roles. The New York Six Mellon Academic Leadership Fellows Program will combine leadership training, mentorship, and hands-on leadership experience for a diverse group of humanities faculty who represent the future of academic leadership in the New York Six and beyond. Each Fellow will receive course relief and a stipend to allow them… read more »