Faculty Network
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CIO Monthly Meeting
February 4, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pmLocation: Zoomread more »Women in Tech Coffee Hour
February 7, 2025 9:00am - 10:00amLocation: Zoomread more »Disability/Accessibility Directors Monthly Meeting
February 21, 2025 9:30 - 10:30 amLocation: Zoomread more »
Recent News
Mellon Fellows Participate in Summer Institute
In late July, the New York Six Mellon Academic Leadership Fellows gathered with their counterparts from the Associated Colleges of the Midwest and the Associated Colleges of the South for the second Mellon Summer Institute. After joining the NY6 presidents for a session of…read more »NY6 International Students Connect at Annual Summit
More than 50 students from across the Consortium participated in the annual NY6 International Student Summit, Through our Lens: Personal Expression and Engaged Citizenship, held on September 27-28 at Colgate University. The program featured a keynote talk by Dr. Chol Majok, a…read more »Colgate hosts NY6 SGA leaders
The New York Six Student Government Leadership Conference was hosted by the Colgate University Student Government Association (SGA) on April 12-13. The conference was attended by delegates from Skidmore College, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, and St. Lawrence University,…read more »
The New York Six cultivates rich intellectual communities for faculty while retaining the unique identities of the individual member institutions. Among the opportunities the Consortium offers are faculty development programs, a leadership development retreat for department chairs, and multi-campus collaborations in pedagogy and scholarship.
Connecting colleagues across the member campuses is a critical value of the New York Six. Through a broad range of communities of practice, staff members share best practices, participate in joint professional development programs, identify opportunities for collaboration, and build their professional networks.
New York Six students benefit from a number of co-curricular collaborations that seek to enhance their experiences, including the NY6 Off-Campus Study exchange agreement, the New York Six Undergraduate Student Research Conference, the NY6 Model African Union regional simulation conference, and the International Student Summit.